2020 Schedule

Gallifrey One
Los Angeles, CA
February 14 – 16, 2020
Dealer and Artist. Come visit my table for handmade jewelry, books, and art.

Virtual Balticon 54
Eastern Timezone
May 22-24, 2020
BSFS Poetry Contest Winners Reading
I am the volunteer reader for the winners of the poetry reading.

Virtual Comic Con International Art Show
July 21-26, 20202
My scifaiku poetry art is in the online ComicCon Art Show via Tumbler.

NASFiC Online
Timezone Pacific
August 21-23, 2020

2pm COVID FX: Selling Your Wares
2:30pm Reading: Wendy Van Camp
8am Reading: SFPA Poetry

Virtual SemoCon
Eastern Timezone
September 19, 20202

2pm Poems of Possibility: Speculative Poetry Reading

Virtual RoberCon
Eastern Timezone
September 26-27, 2020

11am Speculative Poetry: Tips for Writing the Best Verse in the ‘Verse
3pm Speculative Poetry Reading: Dramatic Journeys to Unknown Realms
7pm Speculative Sundays Poetry Reading: Wendy Van Camp

Virtual MileHi Con
Mountain Timezone
October 23-25, 2020

11:30pm Cool Podcasts You Might Love
3:30pm Ethics and Art
12pm Neverland: Modern Age of Poetry
3pm Nanowrimo Meeting

Virtual SFF Con
Pacific Timezone
November 7-8, 2020

10am SciFi Poetry Reading at SFF

Exoplanet Conference
November 9-13, 2020
My poetry was featured at a conference of international astronomers. I was one of a half dozen speculative poets who were invited. My work was part of the newsletter put out each day and poems were placed up on the screen inbetween panals and presentations.